Friday, November 30, 2018

Rolling into the Holidays

My wife Becky decided to give me one of my Christmas presents early, and it's a beaut!

She got me a beautiful custom-crafted dice tower to use for my APBA projects. I am one of the luckiest and most blessed men alive to have such a wonderful wife who has supported my APBA lifestyle.

She always found the sound of my dice rolling "soothing", but she will now have to listen to a new and wonderful sound, my dice coming down through the dice tower.

She thought the present shouldn't wait, and she knows how I have been dealing with plenty of aches & pains. My job requires me use constant scrubbing & that takes a toll on my right elbow, joints & ligaments.

This past October, I reached the age of 42, and my body is not getting any younger. So like a baseball batter needing to adjust their hitting stance, I had to adjust my rolling stance.

I also want to take this time and mention that I have plenty of more posts coming, been very busy like I am sure all of you are as well during this busy holiday season.

I want to also take this moment to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season for you, your family and friends.

God bless, take care & roll 66's!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome present from your wife, Shawn. Enjoy it. I hope it helps relieve some of those aches and pains. :-)

  3. Wow, what a thoughtful gift. And it's quite the beautiful object as well as its usefulness. I am now inspired and am going to see if i can find a new rolling tower on eBay. I got my present one maybe 20 years ago and you have to slip the dice into a little angled pipe and it's easy to miss. I need one that you just drop 'em into the top.

    I had a physical job too--mail lady--and i sympathize with the aches and pains! This gift must have simply made your Christmas, and it says a lot that she wanted you to have it early. Someone who "gets" you and does something like this is special.


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